President Kardashian Before The Election Results

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A Kardashian campaign for POTUS could lay claim to the election victory before the votes are tallied with the help of Earth Based Martian Government.

We can accurately predict the vote tallies before election day. We can totally accurately predict the election outcome for we the people. This way we know for sure who is President on election day.

What I, Kenntron, President of Mars, will do for the Kardashian campaign is commission our techs at Earth Based Martian Government to lay the game flat for us.

We will rent an inconspicuous warehouse garage space for the Earth Based Martian Government General Election Committee.

Inside the garage is the quantum computer we purchased online. Our software engineer builds for us an AI data and analytics prediction robot program (we will program it to have an instant secret crush). We feed our bot every available piece of video footage of Presidential campaign rallies. We get the coverage of campaign rallies for the front runners from each election going back as far as we can go. The bots job is to take a look at just the crowd sizes for each candidate, and predict how many votes each candidate would get guessing by the crowd size.

Our bot would then match up every official election result for each candidate to every Earth Based Martian Government predicted vote outcome by crowd size. The data set of election results and predictions create for us an accuracy of prediction percentage. Then we would re-adjust the crowd scanning variables (including election fraud) until we have an absolutely accurate election result prediction.

So we can show the people look watch, it scans the crowd scale and shows us a near exact match for predicted votes to official election results.

With the Earth Based Martian Govenment vote, this is where a Kardashian campaign is undeniably strong. The upcoming campaign rallies for POTUS will draw the usual crowds. Our bot is watching, waiting, scanning. Kim Kardashian blaze campaign trail enough to secure the vote in the eyes of our robot. On November 4th, we post our election results before the people have voted. May the best fit to lead carry the torch.

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