The Congress Of President Kardashian

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The Congressional assembly of 2024 will be the stronghold of a Kardashian Presidency. It wouldn’t be her first address to the House of Reps.

The Kardashian/Trump White House, in all of it’s transparency, will shift the public eye from the oval office to the House of Reps for politicizing, as our Democracy is designed to be. Her footprint as a prominent American figure with the Presidential pen is exactly what a President is supposed to be made of. Rising to the top of a Democracy is holding a share in the power, the power of democracy is a Congress of representatives sharing the power of America, and seating a star among us to the Presidency with a firm Congressional assembly is actually the move, facts.

Kim Kardashian’s Congress would put 435 representatives in the hot seat. This would be the most lit Congress of all time. It would be a royal rumble because the House of Reps, unkept, rotting, wild, virtually abandoned by the people, has accumulated squatters over the years. The 2024 Congress will clash like baboons over Kim Kardashian.

The achievements of the Kardashian Congress would include spending packages that remodel America mostly, restoration of the surplus lost to 9/11, increasing military spending and literally ending world hunger with it so any bites to the hand that feeds are appropriately annihilated.

The 2026 Congressional assembly of Kardashian/Trump holds the titles of achievement. A House of Reps that has acclimated to Kardashian/Trump mode and campaigning alongside the platform of Earth Based Martian Government leads the change our world needs and has been anticipating ever since the turn of the century. In this era of American Democracy, we will have almost 100% functionality of what USA is meant for we the people.

Therefore, voting Kim Kardashian to Presidency with Donald Trump as Vice President, this restores United States Congress to power of the people.


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