Bernie Sanders 2020 Voter Count Of Mars

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The voter count of Mars for Bernie Sanders in 2020 is tallied by how many people we can see in the crowd that have attended 12 rallies: 93,500

This is the voter count of Mars for Bernie Sanders in 2020 tallied by paper and pen (without quantum computing every photo and video on the internet of the rally crowd): 93,500

  • 7,500 *3.20 MI
  • 17,000 *2.20 WA
  • 500 *1.20 IO
  • 1,000 *12.19 NH
  • 5,000 *11.19 CA
  • 26,000 *10.19 NY
  • 10,000 *9.20 CO
  • 4,000 *8.20 CA
  • 3,000 *6.20 CA
  • 5,500 * 5.19 VT
  • 1,000 *4.19 WI
  • 13,000 *3.19 NY

Facts/Numbers: More people came to see Bernie in the primaries than both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden all the way to the generals.

The voter count of Mars for Bernie Sanders in 2020 is tallied by how many people we can see in the crowd that have attended 12 rallies.

Here is the rally pie chart with Donald Trump and Biden/Harris and Kimberly Kardashian tallied:

“If I ever tell you who to vote for don’t listen to me.” ~ Bernie Sanders, campaign 2016

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