Exactly How Evil Kim K Disproved The Joe Biden Election

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How Evil Kim K disproved the Joe Biden election, undeniably so, is simple quantum computing.

While out being an actual brat sometimes, Evil Kim K told the paparazzi exactly how her and the President Of Mars offer their chip in the hat of many ways the 2020 general election can be disproven.

She had this to say to whatever media outlet the paparazzi were there for:

“Our way of disproving the Joe Biden election isn’t anymore undeniable than any of the other ones.

We just used a quantum computer. I think Kenntron, President of Mars, got it off eBay for like $5k.

For my campaign Kenntron wanted me to have my own proof decertifying the 2020 election.

The quantum computer ran for us scenarios of election outcomes based on any given candidates crowd sizes according to all sorts of media. He generated election results by crowd size. Like elections going back to FDR. All of the elections we processed to find when crowd size doesn’t match vote volume.

So what we show is that Joe Biden’s campaign crowds were so incomparable to Donald Trump that we had to tweak the Joe Biden campaign to make it make sense.

So this is not exactly proof, but we made a tweak according the 1,000 Mules documentary. We added exactly as many false ballots the documentary showed the Joe Biden campaign snuck in the dead of night. You wish the results didn’t line up. You wish adding the 1,000 Mules ballots didn’t give Joe Biden the win in our quantum computer scenarios. Giving Joe Biden the 1,000 Mules votes gives him the win in a number of scenarios.

What our quantum computer shows is that according to crowd size there is 0 scenarios where he can compete with the vote volume of Donald Trump. Not in 1 scenario does the Joe Biden campaign rally outvote the Donald Trump rally. There is no fair way to explain certifying Joe Biden as President.

Listen, we actually have the 2024 election results already in our quantum computer. We’ve ran Kamala Harris crowds. Donald Trump crowds are absolutely crushing Kamala Harris in our computer. There is no way she can win an election.

Like, look her rally in Philadelphia today is going to draw a crowd volume of 3,000 to Donald Trump’s 100,000 in Bozeman, Montana, later this same week.

Joe Biden loses every election in our computer. Kamala Harris loses every election.

I can win in the computer. Kim Kardashian can win. Don’t ask how my candidacy looks in the crowd to vote volume quantum computer. Don’t even ask me that.” ~Evil Kim K

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