10 Ways Kim K Would Slay As POTUS

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Here are 10 ways that Kim Kardashian would actually slay as President of United States of America.

The role of President is way out of proportion in America. It is not that big of a deal in government to be the President. Basically, what a President is supposed to do is look pretty and sign the documents that Congress votes to execute. There is no better a fit for President in 2024 other than Kim Kardashian. Here are ten ways that Kim K would absolutely slay as President Kardashian.

1. Already At The White House

Kim Kardashian has already been to the White House so just give her the keys. She visited President Trump in 2020. A speech was delivered, and echoed into eternity. The moment that Kim Kardashian was in the oval office there was actually swag there.

2. Great Success

Kim Kardashian is a great success on various levels. She is controversial because of her sexuality, and aside that is at the head of a thriving business empire. Give her clout as a mogul. Ideally, our political representation is great success, and Kim Kardashian has over achieved at this. Flashy people let their jewelry speak for them. We the people let our President speak for us, and she is it.

3. A Reality Show

Kim Kardashian is star of a reality show on network television. Keeping Up With The Kardashians details the lives of Kim Kardashian and her immediate family. Keep up with the Kardashians during their tenure at the White House. We the people want transparency in the form of a reality show in the White House. We want to see all our favorite people and their kids visit them at the White House, like Paris Hilton (having maybe thought about housing on Mars before). We want to see the Kardashians throw parties in DC. Who else can bring the people an inside peak of daily occupancy at the White House? Only Kim Kardashian can deliver us the oval office for real.

4. Worldwide Recognition

Everybody knows who Kim Kardashian is. Surely, she has fans in geopolitics. Some Presidents would probably be happy just to get a chance to meet her. We the people want the gift of prestige for political representation worldwide by electing Kim Kardashian to greet Presidents at our door or for American presence oversees. No need to thank us other Presidents, thank you.

5. A Lawyers Apprentice

Traditionally, the President is legal savvy. The job of President itself doesn’t actually require a mastermind of legal practice like her dad, Rob Kardashian. Kim Kardashians job as President is sign the documents, be coordial with our allies and enemies, that’s it. If you must have your President with credentials, Kim Kardashian is the lawyers apprentice. She has circumvented the schooling process to certify as a lawyer as the understudy of certified lawyers, she is an apprentice of law. Kardashian is good enough to be President of America, could be even better, genius even. All we are saying is give Kardashian a chance.

6. P-Unit

All siblings within the Kim Kardashian parental unit are stars. Her father was a rockstar lawyer. Her mother is a business mogul. You know who they are. Good to know our Presidents parents and have some insight into what their family life be like.

7. Network Of The Gods

Kim Kardashian knows everybody. She has friends in the lowest and highest places. She is is pretty Godly in this sense. President Trump loves Kardashian. She is doing business with everyone out here any way you want to look at it. What she needs is a throne in the oval office.

8. Baby Dad Ran For POTUS

First of all, she has but one baby dad to her children and that’s an omen. Kanye West is in a league of his own, facts. I, Kenntron, President, voted for Kanye West just because he ran for Presidential in 2020. I voted for 808s and Heartbreak. That’s who she chose and it speaks volumes. He would certainly support Kims’ campaign for POTUS and his crowd combined with hers would win the Presidential election by a landslide, undeniably so. Try to deny and I’ll show you a landslide.

9. Aesthetics

Kim Kardashian’s business is primarily beauty. Of her passions is architecture and interior design. Remember when Melania Trump was decorating the White House for holiday events and stuff, so slay. Imagine Kim K with some say in the Presidential decor.

10. Girl Power

You know that the countries of Earth with the best statistics are governed by a woman majority. Here we go.

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