Pole Shift Prevention Protocol

Kenntron, President Avatar

Pole Shift Prevention Protocol presented by Kenntron, President.

To prevent the shift of the Earth on it’s polar axis the Earth Based Martian Government has prepared some classic Martian technology for this. We are rolling out the apparatus worldwide on Earth as it is on Mars. This way when the Earth goes to flip it’s axis, it does not.

Paradoxically, the way that we have to shift the globe as we will it is pretty chaotic. It works in any event so give it a chance.

The alternate option to this Pole Shift Prevention Protocol is positioning colossal metallic magnetic pillars at 4 opposite ends of planet that we zap with enormous nuclear powered space lasers to spin the Earth’s core really really fast, it can go wrong. It is best to be chaotic.

Earthquake machines strategically placed on Earth’s lay lines move the axis pretty accurately. The devices to do each quake is a properly placed shoe sized box that shakes a particle in it’s wave state to send a shockwave of vibes in any direction we hit it at, rattling the axis to move and assume the desired position for a composition sheet of technic symphonic. It is going to rock and roll largest sections of at least a dozen dense city locations.

So, it goes without saying, to move the Earth we need Earthquakes in the range of 10-13 on the rictor scale. Millions and millions of people in those areas will have to be relocated in an inconvenient prepared maneuver or are welcome to stay to surf the seismic activity. Those lands will be devastated but the Earth will stay in place as it has for all of our sprawl.

We won’t know precisely when or which Earthquakes to trigger until the Earth actually starts to make an unpredictable major shift signalling the flip of doom is happening.

Then, boom boom boom, we run our chain of quakes. The Earth is going to wobble for a few hours as it runs through its flippening process, but it’ll be quick. Then the axis is settle when the chain of quakes settle. We’ll shake rattle and roll smoothly to station. The next pole flip isn’t for another 140,000 years or something after that, easy.

The best part is post Pole Shift Prevention Protocol is that the core of Earth is back in a new cycle of motion for very strong and predictable magnetosphere. Earthling and Martian civilization chilling for generations to come.

If anybody has any better ideas to stabilize Earth’s axis for the safety of Martian civilization, then I, Kenntron, President, am open to suggestion. Maybe somebody in Ohio with a C grade level of intellect could accomplish the task without a tremendo path of destruction.

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