Where Is All Of The Anti-Matter

Kenntron, President Avatar

In the universe, we know anti-matter to be true.

We know it exists. In laboratories of the collosal Earth that are excelling at anti-matter we have been blessed with discovery of anti-matter and the visual with it. Anti-matter has been shown to be active in mysterious ways in our outer orbit. It’s all there.

Antimatter was brought to the world of physics by Paul Dirac trying to describe the behavior of an electron at relativistic speeds in 1928. Then in 1932 when the Positron photo dropped it was confirmed there is a antimatter to be discovered. Then Cern produced some stabilized antimatter at some like 2 anti-proton pairs every million collections or something like a year idk, but it would take them a million years to produce a gram.

Here have a chill ass meme you look amazing:

So we know it’s out there. We know what it is and does, slightly. We know 1 gram of anti-matter contains the energy of a nuke bomb and is valued at something like $62 trillion (the Earth is $100t). It’s pretty well on the radar of physics or maybe a magazine publication about physics.

But, where is it? Where is the anti-matter? We don’t know, yet.

We’re left to wonder where is all of the anti-matter at.

Kenntron, President Avatar

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